100RC 100 Resilient Cities
AD Anaerobic digestion
ANSI American National Standards Institute
BC NYC Building Code
BIC NYC Business Integrity Commission (regulates commercial waste haulers, among other business entities)
BPP Builders pavement plan
AIA, AIANY American Institute of Architects; AIA NY
BD+C Building design and construction (LEED project type)
BIM Building information modeling
BOD Biological oxygen demand
BPE Building Product Ecosystems
C40 A network of the world’s megacities committed to addressing climate change
C+D Construction and demolition waste
CDL Clean dimensional lumber
COTE Committee on the Environment, AIA, NY
DCP NYC Department of City Planning
DEP NYC Department of Environmental Protection
DDC NYC Department of Design and Construction
DOE NYC Department of Education
DOHMH NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
DOT NYC Department of Transportation
DSNY NYC Department of Sanitation
EDC NYC Economic Development Commission
EGCC Enterprise Green Communities Criteria NYC Overlay (national green building criteria for affordable multifamily housing, used by HPD)
E-Waste Electronic waste
EZ-Pak Front-end or rear-end loading containers
FEL Front-end-loaded container
GBCI Green Building Certification Inc. (certification provider for LEED rating system of the US Green Building Council)
GT Gross tonnage
GWB Gypsum wallboard
HDPE High-density polyethylene
HPD NYC Housing Preservation and Development Agency
ID+C Interior design and construction (LEED project type)
IDSANY Industrial Design Society of America, NYC Chapter
ILFI International Living Future Institute
LDPE Low-density polyethylene
LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (rating system developed by the US Green Building Council)
MEP Mechanical, electrical and plumbing
MGP Metal, glass, paper (the components of a dual-stream waste fraction designated for recycling)
MOS NYC Mayor’s Office of Sustainability
M-SWAB Manhattan Solid Waste Advisory Board
ND Neighborhood development (LEED project type)
NRDC Natural Resources Defense Council
NYCHA NYC Housing Authority
NYC ZR NYC Zoning Resolution
O+M Building operations and maintenance (LEED project type)
OneNYC “One New York: The Plan for a Strong and Just City,” City of New York
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration, US Department of Labor
PBT Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic substances
PP Polypropylene
PVC Polyvinyl chloride
RCI Recycling Certification Institute
RCNY Rules of the City of New York
REBNY Real Estate Board of New York
REL Rear-end-loaded container
RoRo Roll-on/roll-off container or the truck that transports such a container
SAYT Save As You Throw (a unit pricing program for waste collection to incentive waste reduction)
SOPs Standard operating procedures
TRUE Total Resource Use and Efficiency (zero waste certification program)
TSS Total suspended solids
UGC Urban Green Council
USGBC US Green Building Council
VMT Vehicle miles traveled
WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant
ZR Zoning Resolution
ZWDG Zero Waste Design Guidelines
ZWIA Zero Waste International Alliance
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